Early Childhood Special Education

EARLY CHILDHOOD SPECIAL EDUCATION STAFF                                                                                     

Cheryl Garbs Director of Special Education   [email protected]
Lisa Grgurich Process Coordinator [email protected]
Angel House ECSE Teacher [email protected]
Becky Halfaker      ECSE Teacher [email protected]
Susan Campbell ECSE Teacher [email protected]
Rene Wall Paraprofessional [email protected]
Arinda Nolie Paraprofessional [email protected]
Michelle Helm  Paraprofessional [email protected]
 573-468-5171  ext *4107  

EARLY CHILDHOOD SPECIAL EDUCATION HOURS                                                                   

Monday - Friday     
8:00 - 10:30 AM  Morning Session
11:30 - 2:00 PM  Afternoon Session



Sullivan School District is committed to providing educational services to all children who reside in our boundaries who meet the Early Childhood Special Education guidelines. We are committed to the philosophy that early intervention and prevention strategies will help children succeed academically and socially in order to become productive and independent adults. Through a "hands on" curriculum using manipulatives and the structure of play to construct knowledge, we will be providing a solid foundation that is necessary for future educational success. It is this district's belief that all children have the right to an appropriate education and that disabled and non-disabled children can benefit from daily interactions with one another.


Children are placed in the Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Program following testing and meeting special education criteria. If a developmental delay is detected, parents will be contacted to begin the referral process. An Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meeting to determine appropriate placement for the child will be conducted if ECSE criteria is met. This is the only preschool program that the Sullivan School District offers that will permit requests for non-resident students who may need ECSE services. The local district reserves the right to accept or decline any non-resident request based on availability of services and contingent on state reimbursement for ECSE thus ensuring that no local funds are expended on non-resident ECSE students.


  1. To provide an environment conducive to the learning of academic and social skills.
  2. To provide an environment conducive to daily interactions that foster understanding and acceptance of peers with mental and physical challenges.
  3. To provide a curriculum designed to prepare students for kindergarten and meet goals included on Individualized Education Plans (IEP).
  4. To foster open communication between parent, child and school by providing frequent opportunities for interaction between parents and staff.
  5. To help parents team and participate in the educational responsibilities of their child through Parent as Teacher (PAT) home visits and parent support meeting.


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